A relatively inflexible, mostly facile but a rigidly stable world-view imbued with certainty is what constitutes the received wisdom for most people .... it is what becomes of their acculturation, their foreclosed attempts to understand life. Whereas for the ones sophisticated in the habits of thought, it becomes fashionable to brandish a sort of wholesale skepticism which dismisses all philosophical dictums as mere culture-bound prejudices and worse still, rationalizations of the prevailing power relations in the concerned society. While the contribution toward maintenance of civilizational equilibrium of the former is clearly discernible, so is the contribution of the latter toward the occasional revolutionary disruption of that equilibrium that is essential for enabling progress; But what ought also be clearly understood... is that none of them are any the better in their claim to veridicality.
Both these 'epistemic attitudes' represent an obfuscation, of opposite kinds, of reality - one attributes asphyxiating changelessness to the prevailing notion of reality while the other plunges it into absurd super-fluidity.
A viable synthesis that bridges the contradiction above is 'to recognize that there are indeed right or wrong answers to questions of human well-being and while that is so, it also is just as true that there is yet to come a technology which can help mine those answers from the deep deposits of fundamental reality'. In effect I'm saying that it is possible to say something intelligible and logically workable about anything ... anything at all that is of any relevance to human existence. The fulcrum of this thesis is the claim that the apparent intangibility, inscrutability and, most critically, the immeasurability - of notions such as love, pride, dignity, freedom, honor, happiness, contentment, morality et cetera is more a symptom of collective under-imagination that characterizes most sociocultural discourses than a fact of existence to which we must resign.
Of course, if the immeasurability of these things was shown to be an illusion, it would immensely enrich the value of their employment in our discussions of life. This would hold true even if the immeasurability is proven false only in principle and shown (in principle) to be merely an artifact of technologic and logistic under-preparedness. Should one succeed in doing so it might put moral precepts on firmer, more universal, more rational grounds .... that is precisely what I'd humbly attempt in the article proper.
Both these 'epistemic attitudes' represent an obfuscation, of opposite kinds, of reality - one attributes asphyxiating changelessness to the prevailing notion of reality while the other plunges it into absurd super-fluidity.
A viable synthesis that bridges the contradiction above is 'to recognize that there are indeed right or wrong answers to questions of human well-being and while that is so, it also is just as true that there is yet to come a technology which can help mine those answers from the deep deposits of fundamental reality'. In effect I'm saying that it is possible to say something intelligible and logically workable about anything ... anything at all that is of any relevance to human existence. The fulcrum of this thesis is the claim that the apparent intangibility, inscrutability and, most critically, the immeasurability - of notions such as love, pride, dignity, freedom, honor, happiness, contentment, morality et cetera is more a symptom of collective under-imagination that characterizes most sociocultural discourses than a fact of existence to which we must resign.
Of course, if the immeasurability of these things was shown to be an illusion, it would immensely enrich the value of their employment in our discussions of life. This would hold true even if the immeasurability is proven false only in principle and shown (in principle) to be merely an artifact of technologic and logistic under-preparedness. Should one succeed in doing so it might put moral precepts on firmer, more universal, more rational grounds .... that is precisely what I'd humbly attempt in the article proper.
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